
Datageo offers you to be part of an indispensable mining training! Participate in the JKSimBlast software training, with which you will be able to perform blast design, analysis, management and evaluation. This software was developed based on decades of experience by the Julius Krusttschnitt Australian Mining Research Centre (JKMRC).

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Virtual training by videoconference Microsot Teams or Zoom. Wednesday 02 and Thursday 03 March 2022, from 09:00 to 16:30 (Chilean time). The Surface Mining Suite module, consisting of 2DBench and JKBMS, will be addressed. Cost per person: USD 100. Participation for both days.

Valor por persona: USD 100. Participación por ambos días.[/us_iconbox][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=»1/2″][us_iconbox img=»3806″ size=»160px»]MODALITY B:

On-site training at Datageo’s office, Santiago, Chile. Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 March 2022, from 09:00 to 16:30 hours (Chilean time). The Surface Mining Suite module, consisting of 2DBench and JKBMS, will be addressed. Cost per person: USD 500. Participation for both days.

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Any doubts or questions please contact Rodrigo Fuentealba, email rfuentealba@datageo.cl
Datageo. Valencia 2137, Nuñoa, Santiago. Chile. datageo.cl / datageo.pe

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